Spiritual Practice Highlight: The Daily Examen

The Daily Examen is a prayer that comes out of the Jesuit order of the Catholic tradition which includes Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. It is a simple prayer that is often prayed at the end of the day as a review of when you were aware of God’s presence in your everyday activities and when you might not have realized God was there for you. God is always present for us, we just need to invite him into our hearts. The Examen is approached with an attitude of gratitude and accepts us for exactly who we are, God’s beloved children.

The following are the simple steps of the Daily Examen:

  1. Find silence, exterior and interior. Begin by taking a few deep breaths and letting go of all your distractions.

  2. Take a few moments to give thanks for the many gifts from God and be grateful.

  3. Review your day from start to finish, noticing when and where you experienced God’s presence. When did you love? When did you feel loved?

  4. Continue reviewing your day. When did you miss God in your shortcomings or by withholding love or forgiveness? Open your heart to God’s grace and love for you.

  5. In light of your review, what is your response to God? Pray for God’s guidance and strength in the coming days.

This article is brought to you by Jeanne Maloney, Faith Formation at Saint Peter.